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Zamenis hohenackeri (Strauch, 1873) sbsp. hohenackeri (Strauch, 1873)
Distribution in Armenia
Altitudes: 900-2000 m above sea level.
Regions: Araks basin: S-Shirak (possibly), Aragatsotn, Armavir, Yerevan, Kotayk, Ararat, Vayots Dzor, Syunik; Kura basin: Tawoush, Lory.
Habitats: Rocklands covered by shrubby and woody vegetation.
Areal type: Eastern-Mediterranean
Global distribution:
Europe: S Russia (Dagestan), Georgia: Kura river, Rion river
Asia: Israel, Lebanon, Turkey, Armenia, , E Turkey, Syria, Armenia, Nagornyj-Karabakh, Azerbaijan, Iran: Oezel Owezen river, Esfahan,

Food: Microtus ssp., Chionomus nivalis Mart., Darevskia raddei,

Enemies: Man


Known trend: not abjective data is available (presumably critically endangered).


Aghasyan A.L., 1996. The Fauna of Snakes of Armenia and Nakhichevan. PhD Thesis authoreferat, Yerevan, 34 pp.

Ananjeva, N.B., Orlov N.L., Khalikov R.G., Darevsky, I.S., Rjabov S.A., Barabanov A.V., 2004. Atlas of Reptiles of Northern Eurasia, "Ivan Fedorov" Print, St. Pererbourg, Russia, 230 pp.

Chernov S.A., 1939. [Herpetological Fauna of Armenian SSR and Nakhichevan ASSR] // Zoological Papers, Vol I, (Transactions of Biological Institure, Vol. III). Edition of Armenian Brunch of The USSR Academy of Scienecs, Erevan, 1939, pp. 77-194. (In Russian)
Darevsky I.S., 1957. The Fauna of Reptiles of Armenia and Its Zoogeographical Analysis. PhD Thesis, Yerevan, 468 pp.

Baran (1978) Annalen des Naturhistorischen Museums, Wien 81 [1977]: 261-265
Bischoff (1993) In: Böhme,W. (ed.), Handbuch der Reptilien und Amphibien Europas, Band 3/I., Schlangen (Serpentes) I.
Bischoff etc. (1996) Elaphe 4 (2): 68
Bussmann etc. (1996) Salamandra 32 (1): 59-62
Coppen (1995) Reptilian 3 (5): 6-10
Engelmann etc. (1993) Lurche Kriechtiere Europas.
Lenk etc. (2001) Amphibia-Reptilia 22 (3): 329-339
Mattison (1997) Reptiles 5 (3): 24-29
Nilson etc. (1984) Amphibia-Reptilia 5: 157-171
Schätti etc. (1988) Salamandra 24 (4): 306-309
Schulz (1996) Monographie Elaphe.
Schulz (1996) Monograph Elaphe.
Strauch (1873) Mém Acad. Sci. Pétersbourg (7) 11 (4): 1-288
Utiger etc. (2002) Russian Journal of Herpetology 9 (2): 105-124.
Werner (1898) Zool. Anz. 21 (555): 217-223.
Werning (2003) Reptilia (Münster) 8 (5): 6-8
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