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Tigran L. Tadevosyan DVM, PhD

E-mail: ttadevosyan@gmail.com

Web site: http/: www. herp-am.narod.ru, www.phrynocephalus.narod.ru, http://sites.google.com/site/tadevosyansherpsupplies/

Family state: married Children: 2

Interests: Wildlife conservation, Animal and plant behavior, Captive breeding, Ecology, Ecosystems, Evolution.
Preferable groups - lizards and poisonous snakes.

2003 Training in Social realtions, UNESCO, Moscow
2002 (september) Training in Conflict management in Biosphere Reserves, France, Vosges Du Nord Biosphere reserve
1998-2001- Postgraduate student: Institute of Botany of National Academy of Science of Republic of Armenia: Theme of PhD Thesis: "Ex Situ Conservation of Rare and Endangered Psammophylous Species of Flora and Plant Associations of Ararat Valley". Diploma of Doctor of Biology A No 01475 (05.03.2002)
1993-1998- Graduate student: Armenian Academy of Agriculture, Faculty of Veterinarian Medicine: Veterinarian doctor: Diploma A No 045539
1983-1993- Middle School No 171, of Yerevan.

Knowlege of languages: Armenian (fluent), Russian (fluent), English (fluent).

Computer skills: MS Word, Exel, Acces, Abdobe Photoshop, Acrobat Reader, Corel Draw, Statistica 6.0, SPSS, 12.0, Surfer 6.04, Arc View GIS 3.2a, Winsurge, etc.

Professional carier:

2011-present Lab-Aide 2, Miraca Life Sciences, Newton, MA 2011-present Surgical Technician, Rosario Delgado Lecaros DVM.

2008-2011- Senior Veterinary Technician, Alliance for Animals Inc. Boston, MA

2007-2008 Assistant Professor, Ijevan Branch of the Yerevan State University.
2005- 2008 Senior Staff Scienist / Centre for Ecological-Noosphere Studies of National Academy of Science of RA. 2002 -2004 Research officer /Centre for Ecological-Noosphere Studies of National Academy of Science of RA.
2002 - Scientific secretary / MAB Armenian National Commite.
2001-2002 Unior Scientific staff / Institute of Botany of National Academy of Science of RA.
1997-2000 Technician & guide / Institute of Botany of National Academy of Science of RA.
1994-1997 Worker / Yerevan Botanical garden.
1990-1993 Young Naturalist / Yerevan Zoo.


2012-present: Admin and Curtor: Armenian Citizen Herpetologist's Atlas at www.inaturalist.org

2008 - present: Development of the private reptile breeding facility "TTerrarium".

2006. Compiler and Editor: Armenian National Encyclopedy, Nature: Species chapters on Amphibians, Reptiles, Endemic Animals and Fauna.

2006. Field assistant and GIS specialist, Visual Inventory of Pollution of the Yerevan Tyre Factory.

2006. Research designer, GIS specialist, Field assistant and Photographer: "Inventory of the Flora of Kajaran Town: Youghot Dzor", initiated and suppoterd by Municipality of Kajaran town.

2005. Principal investigator of the project: "Conservation of The Endangered Persian Sun Watcher Lizard: Step 1." supported by ANSEF.

2003-2004. Main expert of the project: "Identifiing priority territories for the creation of Biosphere Reserves, creation of a data-bases, development of GIS and preparation of project documents for the countries of the Southern Caucasus". Donated by Japanese Funds in Trust and the UNESCO Venice Office (ROSTE).

Grants awarded:

ANSEF 2005 award for the project: "Conservation of The Endangered Persian Sun Watcher Lizard: Step 1."


Editor and designer of Armenian edition of the BIOSPHERE RESERVES: Seville strategy, Statutary Framework of The Wold Network, Conclusions of The Seville+5 International Expert Meeting, Recommendations for establishment anf functioning of transboundary biosphere reserves, Yerevan,


2005- President, "Nature Preservation" NGO

2002- member of "Nature Preservation" NGO

2001- member of Armenian Botanical Society


The title of "The Best Young Scientist of 2001" by National Academy of Sciences of Republic of Armenia and Galoust Gulbenkian Foundation for outstanding research achivements (Certeficate and US$ 125).

List of publications

1) In press:

1. Edgar Paul & Tadevosyan Tigran. Chapter "Armenia" in the book "Important Herpetological Areas in Europe".


1.Papers in Reviewed Journals (6):

1.1. Tadevosyan T.L.2006. Habitat Suitability for Reptiles in the Goravan Sands Sanctuary, Armenia / Herpetological Conservation and Biology, 1 (1):40-45. also available at http://www.herpconbio.org

1.2.Tadevosyan T.L. 2006. New Data on Abundance and Distribution of the Persian Toad-Headed Lizard in the Goravan Sands Sanctuary, Armenia / Electronic Journal of Natural Sciences. National Academy of Sciences of The Republic of Armenia. 2 (7):45-50.

1.3. Saghatelyan A.K. Tadevosyan T.L. 2003. Analysis of Adequateness of the "Biosphere Reserve" therm-concept and Its Armenian and Russian Analogies. Biol. Journ. of Armenia, 1,2 (55):170-173

1.4. Tadevosyan T.L. 2002. On the Syntopical Distribution of the Flora in "Goravan sands" Ecosystem // Flora, Vegetation and Vegetable Resources of Armenia. (In Russian)

1.5. Tadevosyan T.L. 2001. The Fenological Identification of Persian Sun-Watcher Lizards (Phrynocephalus persicus de Filippi 1863. Reptilia, Sauria, Agamidae). // Collect. of articles of the young researchers. Yerevan, «Gitutiun», 1(2): pp. 62-67. (In Russian)
1.6. Tadevosyan T.L. 2001. About the Ex Situ Cultivation of Tamamshjan's Saltwort (Salsola tamamschjanae Iljin, Dicotyledones, Chenopodiaceae) // Collect. of articles of the young researchers, Yerevan, «Gitutiun», 1(2): pp. 34-39. (In Russian)

2. Conference proceedings (5):
2.1. Aslanyan A.V.,Sakoyan A.G., Tadevosyan T.L., Torosyan R.K. 2003. The herpetofauna of the city of Yerevan and important areas for it's conservation. // Materials of the IV republican youth scientific conference "XXI century: ecological science in Armenia" - Urban Ecology Issues, Yerevan, Edition of Center For Ecological Noosphere Studies NAS RA, pp. 10-18. (In Armenian)

2.2. Tadevosyan T.L. 2002. Poisonous Snakes as an Ecological Risk Factor and The Ways of It's Neutralisation. // Proceed. Of III republican youth scientific conference "XXI century: Ecological science in Armenia", Yerevan, pp. 20-36.(In Armenian)

2.3. Tadevosyan T.L. 2001. On the Syntopical Destribution of Biodiversity of Vascular Plants and Vertebral Animals in the System of Biotops of the S-W, Piedmont of the Urtz Mountain Range. // Proceed. Of II republican youth scientific conference "XXI century: The future of ecological science in Armenia", Yerevan, «Gitutiun», pp. 83-90. (In Russian)
2.4. Tadevosyan T.L. 2001. On the Ecology of the Jointweedlike Calligonum (Calligonum polygonoides L., Dicotyledones, Polygonaceae). Proceedings of republican youth scientific conference "The future of ecological science in Armenia",Yerevan, «Gitutiun», pp. 35-42. (In Russian)
2.5. Manvelyan K.A., Tadevosyan T.L. 2000. The Method of Ecosystem Simulation in Conservation of Biodiversity of Gorovan Sands. // Proceedings of republican youth scientific conference "The future of ecological science in Armenia",Yerevan, pp. 64-68. (In Russian).

3.Conference abstracts (12):
3.1. Adamyan M.S., Kalashyan M.Yu., Khachatryan H.G., Tadevosyan T.L.2004. Fauna Biodiversity Evaluation in The Syunik Province of Armenia // Materials of scientific conference on the zoology of invertebrates, consecrate to 100 years from the birthday of S.M. Jablokov-Khndzoryan, Yerevan: 13-14.

3.2. Tadevosyan T.L. 2003. Modern Antropogenic Impact on The Population of Darevsky's Viper (Pelias (Vipera sensu lato) darevskii Vedmederja, Orlov & Tunyev, 1986) in The Limits of Southern Part of Javakhety Ridge (Armenia). // Materials of Region. Sci. Conf. Consecrate 60-yaer of Inst. Zool. NAS RA, Yerevan, pp. 143-144. (In Russian).
3.3. Sakoyan A.G., Tadevosyan T.L. 2003. Modern Status of Habitats and Metapopulation of Blind Nosed Viper (Macrovipera lebetina obtusa Dwigubsky, 1832) on The Area of Jrvezh Forestry. // Materials of Region. Sci. Conf. Consecrate 60-yaer of Inst. Zool. NAS RA, Yerevan, pp. 132-134. (In Russian).
3.4. Tadevosyan T.L. 2002. The Conception of Biosphere Reserves. // Proceed. Of III republican youth scientific conference "XXI century: Ecological science in Armenia", Yerevan, pp. 56-57. (in Armenian)
3.5. Tadevosyan T.L. 2002. New Opportunities of Investigation of the Nest Incubaion of Phrynocephalus helioscopus persicus De Filippi (Reptilia, Sauria, Agamidae). // Pushinskaja Scool-Conference of Young scientists. (In Russian)
3.6. Tadevosyan T.L. 2001. Interactions of Ephemaral Vegetation of Stellaria media and Xerophilous Bush - Calligonum polygonoides L. In Conditions Ex Situ. (In Russian)
3.7. Tadevosyan T.L. 2001. Lythoprotection of the Biodiversity in Arid Regions of Armenia.V-th conference of young scientist in Pushino. Biology- sciense of XXI century. Puschino, p. 298. (In Russian).
3.8. Manvelyan K.A., Shakhijanyan L.S., Kadilov A.E., Tadevosyan T.L. 2001. On the Captive Breeding of Rare Species of Reptilies in Conditions of Ecomodels // Thesises on the republical zoological conference, Yerevan, p. 66. (In Russian).

3.9. Tadevosyan T.L. 2001. Communication Behavior of Sunwatcher Lizards (Phrynocephalus persicus de Filippii (Reptilia, Sauria, Agamidae.) About // Thesises on the republical zoological conference, Yerevan, pp. 109-111. (In Russian)
3.10. Tadevosyan T.L. 2001. On the Lizards Adaptations For «Goravan Sands» and It's Neighbourhood Environment Inhabitation // Thesises on the republical zoological conference, Yerevan, pp. 111-112. (In Russian)
3.11. Tadevosyan T.L. 2000. Monocomponent Edaphotop's Simulation in Desertification Processes Research. // International Scientific conference "Biogeographical and ecological aspects of desertification processes in arid and semiarid enviroments",Yerevan, pp. 62-64. (In Russian)
3.12. Tadevosyan T.L. 2000. The Introduction of Some Rare and Endangered Plants of the Flora of Armenia In The Yerevan Botanical Garden (In Russian)

4.Articles in Popular Journals (3):
4.1. Tadevosyan T.L. 2003. Goravan Sands in Danger. // Caucasus Environment, No 3 (4) 2003, pp. 27-30.(Eng. Rus)
4.2. Tadevosyan T.L. 2003. Rock lizard of the Caucasus. //Caucasus Environment, No 3 (4) 2003, pp. 46-47(Eng. Rus).

4.3. Tadevosyan T.L. 2004. Coevals of the age of rerptiles / Caucasus Environment, No 2 (7) : pp. 22-24 (Eng. Rus).

Hobby: Friends, Photography, Swimming, Tourism, Cooking.

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Last updated 05.09.2006.

© Tigran L.Tadevosyan, 2004-2006.



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